Providence’s Heather Rose In Clover release debut album, Canyons

on March 30th

Album Cover Artwork Image.jpg

The official release of our new album is March 30th, but we're thrilled to invite you to listen to Canyons right now!

Please also check out our Digital Album Booklet to view the album art and liner notes and our Digital Lyrics Booklet, containing lyrics and song descriptions of all 12 tracks on Canyons! (Additional material related to this release can be found here).

THEN, celebrate with us at Askew (Providence) on Saturday, March 30th when we team up with PVDlive to host a killer Album Release Party featuring: International touring act Weakened Friends (Don Giovanni Records), Dream Job (formerly known as Half Hearted Hero) and Breachway (Noah Barreto from Public Alley - WBRU Rock Hunt Champs)! Check out the event details on this FREE and ALL AGES show!  

Please consider including a review of our album and/or mentioning our Album Release Party in your next piece! Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you for your consideration and for supporting original music!


-Heather, Lisa, & Chris

IG: @heatherroseinclover


Twitter: @HRInClover


Heather ForandAskew