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Welcome To New England is available for purchase anywhere you listen to music.
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Cover art by Annie Hoffman/Die Happy Society
Welcome To New England is an explosive, high energy anthem for cold-temp dwellers trying to survive the winter season with their sanity intact. This indie rock postcard delivers on a promise New Englanders have come to accept. Just when you're about to throw in the shovel and ditch this frozen popsicle stand, the season will change,the heat will rise and you'll forget what got your thermal underwear in a bunch!
Heather Rose In Clover's new single will have you dancing in your snow boots after being lured in with soaring vocals and kept there with melodic lead bass, catchy riffs, and a driving backbeat. Welcome To New England's clever lyrics offer a candid look into the daily trials of what it takes to brave the storm by lending sympathy to those facing the unplowed road ahead.
Recorded at Zippah Recording by Annie Hoffman (Weakened Friends) and Brian Charles (The Sheila Divine) Distributed by Pitch & Prose (
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Canyons is available for purchase anywhere you listen to music. Including these sites:
Our lives are canyons, formed over time, layer upon layer, year after year. We are influenced by events, our environment and our experiences. When combined, the result is as constant as it is constantly shifting.
Heather Rose In Clover's debut album, Canyons, is a cohesive collection of 12 songs, each depicting a different moment of the same life. Written over a span of 10yrs, Canyons displays how feelings on love, heartache, loss, and hope can be altered by self reflection and experience. The musical backdrops change like the sets of a play, boasting crunchy guitar and hard hitting drums for one track and luring you in with a cleanly delivered melodic hook on the next, all while using the lead bass approach of the low end to meld the energetic, sonic presentation together.
The album Canyons contains so many appealing layers it is likely you will identify with at least one on the very first listen that can be applied to a situation in your own life. Heather’s lyrics are relatable, detailed, and original in their approach. The metaphors are uncommon, but spot on. Her stories will feel like your stories, but in a way you never thought to tell them.
listen to our album singles now:
Satellites is THE SECOND SINGLE OFF CANYONS, our debut album!
“Providence’s Heather Rose in Clover are basically tailor made for us here at If It’s Too Loud... Their latest single, “Satellites,” openly flaunts its 90’s influences. “Satellites” is packed with mid-90’s alternative power pop, and I’m hearing similarities to bands like Fuzzy, Velocity Girl, and Belly all over this song. It’s filled with swirling, slightly distorted guitars and some insanely catchy hooks.”